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August 10, 2022

How my 2 month old sleeps through the night, eating out, family siesta time

Welcome to another everyday vlog with the skyfam!

Sevi, my little 2 month old has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. As promised, I’m sharing my full review of the Moms on call Schedule that we follow- including a sneak peek of our schedule now. For more details, I highly recommend you buy the book to fully understand why this schedule is set the way it is. It’s also nice to give credit where credit is due! I just bought my book off amazon kindle. You can easily google where to find a copy for yourself, depending on where you are in the world.

Scottie on the other hand has been going through his temper tantrum phase. I’m not the best at dealing with it, as I so easily give in, but I’m happy Slater is here to be the firm hand in our home. Even with a lot more whining and crying, I still really enjoy my days with Scottie and cherish his clingyness. The highs are still definitely highs ❤️

How are you #skyfam? Can I invite you to a slow afternoon siesta with us? Often times we are so overwhelmed by the world and how fast paced we are required to be. Slow Sundays like these are a luxury and such a welcome experience. I highly recommend taking a pause and spending time with loved ones, with no agenda. Its the best feeling ❤️

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