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July 6, 2022

Typical day with our boys, Cleaning the Skypod, New Garden Tour

Happy Wednesday, Skyfam! Here we are again with another vlog as a family of 4. I still can’t believe it. 3 years ago, I was completely responsible for only myself, and now I have 3 people to look after and a full household to manage. It’s crazy to think about. The house is always busy and bustling with people, and I wouldn’t have it any other way… except maybe when Sevi doesn’t sleep at night. Then I want all the people to go away lol

Speaking of Sevi, he has been such a champ! At just 6 weeks old, he has been sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night already. I often times have to wake up in the middle of the night- not to feed him, but to relieve my engorged boobs because they expect him to feed but he doesn’t! It doesn’t happen every night but when it does, mama is HAPPY! A well rested mama is the best mama after all haha.

In today’s vlog, nothing much has changed. It’s a typical day at home with my 3 boys. We did a little clean up with Busy Bee Cleaning Company ( because our deck and outdoor area needed a little lovin. I also tour you around our new garden where we did some changes to make our home a bit fuller. Typhoon Odette devastated most of our plants, so it’s nice to see them up and growing again.

Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

watch full video here:

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