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13 years ago

Welcome 2011!

My dad pops open a bottle of Grand Vintage Champagne, and it’s official. The New Year has begun.

2010 was a really blessed year for me. There were so much opportunities, coupled with love and support that came my way. Who would have thought that my little love affair with fashion could actually gain attention and inspire others all over the world. I’m so lucky to have met many amazing people through this blog. To all my readers, fellow bloggers and fashion fanatics, thank you for sharing your passions with me. To my family and friends, your support has been tremendous. I am truly grateful for each and everyone in my life right now. Let’s greet the new year with open arms- cheers to another year of love and friendship! Happy New Year to everyone!

PLUS- I bring you some good food to feast with your champagne!

Above, the hearty, but not so vegetarian options of T-bone and Rib Eye Steak. Below, a healthy and equally hearty serving of Chilean Sea Bass and Norwegian Salmon.

…and of course, some Pizza!


My last feature for 2010:

Cover story for a local magazine, sponsored by Grendha sandals (which explains why we’re wearing them with gowns.)

Check out my newly pimped features page!

9 Responses

  1. happy new year!

    mine’s not quite so festive since my cousin passed away early this morning but we’re happy she went at a very holy time. having jan 1 as your death day isn’t quite so depressing.

    and instead of steak this year, we had raclette cheese. extra yum. especially because it’s the Swiss tradition my family indulges in to celebrate the bit of Swiss blood from my granddad. 🙂 hmm.. i wonder if next year we’ll have cheese fondue instead…

      1. well, i never got a chance to get to know that particular cousin that well. :S just one of those complicated family things… she got married, my grandma didn’t like that too much and… yeah. :S and she’s like 14 years older than me. kinda sad pero ok lang. she was kinda sick for quite some time already. lupus.

        but the cheese was really good. :))

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